Customers leave. Churn busting dunning and retention stops them.

Just like Billsby Checkout, our full account management stack can be added to your website with just two lines of code - you don't even need to build login and authentication unless you want to. It's the quickest account management going.

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Stop failed payments in their tracks and recover revenue.

Build custom dunning flows

Decide when to send reminder emails, when customers accounts will be suspended or cancelled and when to write-off unpaid invoices.

Smart dunning understands why payments fail

Don't treat customers whose cards decline the same way as those with technical difficulties - customise your dunning process based on decline reason codes.

One-click reattempt

Let your customers reattempt a payment in one-click from the dunning email - no need for logins or to remember the details of their account.


Write dunning copy that works for your brand.

With Billsby you can create unlimited products, plans and cycles and then manage them with unlimited team members before applying unlimited and discounts and coupons and selling them in unlimited countries using unlimited currencies with unlimited tax profiles.

All with no monthly fees.

Dunning in action

This is Beth

Her payment hasn't gone through because of lack of funds on her debit card.

A first dunning email is sent

It includes a link to her invoice, and a one-click opportunity to pay

A second dunning email is sent

Custom copy can be used to make this email more firm than the last.

Beth's account is suspended

Because she still hasn't paid, our business logic handles suspension of her account.

Emma clicks your one-click reattempt button

Her payment is processed successfully, getting her account back on track.

Beth's account is resumed

Billsby immediately updates her account status, so she can keep using your service.

When customers ask to leave, give them reasons to stay.

At Billsby, we don't do cancellation. We do retention. Our advanced retention tools will help you to encourage customers to stay - whether providing support, offering discounts, suggesting downshifts to cheaper plans or just understanding why customers have left our retention tools help you to keep more customers for longer.

  • Offer help and support

  • Suggest a cheaper plan

  • Encourage delayed cancellation

  • Offer discounts and credits

  • Remind users of why they signed up

  • Collect exit reason data

Try our retention tools for yourself

Choose the 'Cancel Beach' button below to see our retention tools in action. You'll need to have a Beach account to give this one a try. If you don't have one, you can create a subscription and then use the button below.

delivered monthly.


Cancel Beach

Exit reason reporting helps you to improve your product.

When customers cancel their account, collect their exit reasons and verbatim feedback to help you improve in future. You can customize your categories to get the right insights for your business