If you're not careful, your customers can all end up looking the same.

Get the true measure of your customers with 360-degree value scoring included for every Billsby customer. Understand who your best and worst customers are and take action.

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Meet Janet and David

Spends $20 per month and has been a customer for six months

Spends $20 per month and has been a customer for six months

To other subscription billing platforms, Janet and David are exactly the same. They’ve both been a customer for the same amount of time. They’ve both got the same lifetime revenue and MRR. But the numbers only tell half the story.

Janet always pays her bills on time and in full, and every time she does, Billsby increases her value score. David is a delinquent payer – his card often fails, causing reattempts, and sometimes he has to receive reminder emails and be chased to make a payment each month. These actions cause David’s value score to go down.

The more you know about your customer, the smarter your choices.


Use data from across your organization to update Value Score.

Use Zapier or our API, you can update customers value score when they complete actions in your product and other tools you use.

Incentivise actions that help drive your business like actively engaging with your service, recommending friends, sharing your product on social media or trying new features whilst reducing value score for behavious that hurt your business like not showing up on time for appointments, raising large numbers of customer service tickets or using excessive resources.

Use value score to drive business decisions and offers

Our suite of reports are designed with value score in mind – so you can understand what makes your highest value customers different – where do they come from, what plans do they choose and what excites them about your business.

Use our API to get value score data and percentiles in real time to unlock doors for your customers – prioritizing high scorers customer service, targeting them for surveys and research opportunities or unlocking exclusive features and experiences.

Plus, in Billsby, use our retention tools to provide differentiated journeys to high scorers who threaten to leave – offering them better discounts, incentivising them to stay and retaining value in your business.